How to close all tabs/windows of a specific chrome user/profile?

I have several users defined in my chrome browser. Each user has several windows open and each window has several tabs open.

I'd like to close all the windows/tabs of a specific user, while still be able to:

  1. Keep all the other users' windows/tabs open.
  2. Have all the closed user's windows/tabs restored when reopening the profile.

Any idea if there's some UI button or keyboard shortcut I missed?

Solution 1:

This is not possible right now, but you can star this feature request if you'd like to see it introduced:

Solution 2:

It seems that a new features was introduced in chrome's stable build - mine is 55.0.2883.75 (64-bit). See screencap below.

It's a new option in the profile's left click: Close all your windows.

The problem is that it doesn't always restore all the closed windows and sometimes doesn't even restore at all, even though my startup setting is set to Continue where you left off.

EDIT: It seems that there are issues with the restoration and cleanup. More info here.

enter image description here

edit(2017-08-09) - No need for right click anymore. Left click does the job.

Solution 3:

This has been possible for a while. Here's a screenshot from Chromium 71:

Chromium exit profile

There are some bugs still, e.g. some windows may not be restored, or some extensions may keep running. But if you have one window per profile, its tabs are saved and restored fine.