Samba Share user/password error after update

this is the first time that I couldn't find an answer so this is my first question. I will provide as much information as possible. I have an ASUS router that has 2 HDDs. There is only 1 username/password to access the media while on the network. My PC no longer seems to be able to access it after an update.

After initially entering the login credentials and selecting "Remember forever" I had always (over 2 years) been able to access the drives by going to "Browse Network" in nautilus and clicking on the Router's Icon then clicking the folder I want to access. Today I had a security update which contained the following:

Now when I go to access the folders on the HDDs this pops up:

I select "Registered User" enter the username, password and select "Remember forever" then click Connect and the box pops back up greyed out with the fields reset to defaults.

If I click the connect button again the same greyed out pop-up keeps coming back over and over.

If I manually close it. A brand new pop-up appears that allows me to enter in the credentials. However, if I enter them again nautilus simply closes and I occassionally get a pop-up saying that Ubuntu has encountered and internal error etc.

There are 3 Phones, 1 Tablet, 1 Win7 PC, and another Ubuntu 15.10 PC that can connect to the network drives and read/write without issue. I should add that I ignored the update mentioned above on the other Ubuntu PC once I started to have this issue on mine.

So far the only way I can access the HDDs with my PC is to turn off my router's security for samba access. I really have no idea how to remedy this or how to get it back to the way it was.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Solution 1:

I first added the line client use spnego = no at the end of file /etc/samba/smb.conf, but it did not work. After I placed the line near the beginning of the file, the network drives worked.

Solution 2:

I had exactly the same problem. Adding

client use spnego = no

to the [global] section of /etc/samba/smb.conf solved the problem in my case. Apparently the default value changed to "yes" after the update to v.4.3.8, so I needed to explicitly set it.

See the online manpage for reference.

Solution 3:

I tried use smbclient to see what happened I got this:

SMB server does not support EXTENDED_SECURITY but 'client use spnego = yes and 'client ntlmv2 auth = yes'

I think this means samba client is telling the samba server use features which are not there. From use Samba's note above with this link I found this:

The impact of 'client ntlmv2 auth = yes' is that by default we will not use NTLM (NT Local Machine) authentication as a client.

Since I am not using any extended security I just turn this off as "client ntlmv2 auth = no" in /etc/samba/smb.conf. I have to added a line to override the default. Everything is working again.