What is the most straightforward way to pad empty dates in sql results (on either mysql or perl end)?

Solution 1:

When you need something like that on server side, you usually create a table which contains all possible dates between two points in time, and then left join this table with query results. Something like this:

create procedure sp1(d1 date, d2 date)
  declare d datetime;

  create temporary table foo (d date not null);

  set d = d1
  while d <= d2 do
    insert into foo (d) values (d)
    set d = date_add(d, interval 1 day)
  end while

  select foo.d, count(date)
  from foo left join table on foo.d = table.date
  group by foo.d order by foo.d asc;

  drop temporary table foo;
end procedure

In this particular case it would be better to put a little check on the client side, if current date is not previos+1, put some addition strings.

Solution 2:

When I had to deal with this problem, to fill in missing dates I actually created a reference table that just contained all dates I'm interested in and joined the data table on the date field. It's crude, but it works.

SELECT DATE(r.date),count(d.date) 
FROM dates AS r 
LEFT JOIN table AS d ON d.date = r.date 
GROUP BY DATE(r.date) 
ORDER BY r.date ASC;

As for output, I'd just use SELECT INTO OUTFILE instead of generating the CSV by hand. Leaves us free from worrying about escaping special characters as well.

Solution 3:

not dumb, this isn't something that MySQL does, inserting the empty date values. I do this in perl with a two-step process. First, load all of the data from the query into a hash organised by date. Then, I create a Date::EzDate object and increment it by day, so...

my $current_date = Date::EzDate->new();
$current_date->{'default'} = '{YEAR}-{MONTH NUMBER BASE 1}-{DAY OF MONTH}';
while ($current_date <= $final_date)
    print "$current_date\t|\t%hash_o_data{$current_date}";  # EzDate provides for     automatic stringification in the format specfied in 'default'

where final date is another EzDate object or a string containing the end of your date range.

EzDate isn't on CPAN right now, but you can probably find another perl mod that will do date compares and provide a date incrementor.