Install Fingerprint Driver 138a:0090 on Ubuntu 16.04 (ThinkPad T460s)

I'm about to config my new fantastic T460s with Ubuntu 16.04 (because of Skylake Kernel issue I've to chose such new version) I tried to use my fingerprint sensor which is 138a:0090 (lusb) Fingerprint Gui doesn't recognize the device which is no wonder, because it is not on the compatibility list of it. Do I've to wait for a driver or is there something I can do about this?

Thanks a lot :)

Solution 1:

I just got the finger print reader (138a:0090) working on my Thinkpad T460p!

  1. Might be a good idea to remove libpam-fprintd if you've alread installed it:
    $sudo apt remove libpam-fprintd
  2. Add the repo for libpam-fprintd which supports 138:0090
    $sudo add-apt-repository -u ppa:3v1n0/libfprint-vfs0090
  3. Install libpam-fprintd
    $sudo apt install libpam-fprintd
  4. Enroll your index finder using:
    $fprintd-enroll -f "right-index-finger" "$USER"
  5. Enroll all fingers:
    $for finger in {left,right}-{thumb,{index,middle,ring,little}-finger}; do fprintd-enroll -f "$finger" "$USER"; done

See here for more info:

Solution 2:

I have an x1 carbon 4th gen which has the same fingerprint reader. I looked through the upstram libfprint source, and it doesn't look supported yet, so that's why it's not working. You will likely have to wait till someone creates a driver for it.

Solution 3:

The effort to reverse engineering the protocol has begun and found some success here. Keep an eye on that project for a driver.