I can't see the next button (ubuntu installation on vmware)

I am trying to install Ubuntu 64-bit on my VMWare Workstation 12. I have already done this on my desktop.

The problem is when I try to install it on my laptop, I cannot see the next button. The next button was only partially visible on my desktop as well. I am stuck at the "who are you" part.

Solution 1:

I faced this in many occasions when using VirtualBox in low resolution, when dealing with both ubiquity (Ubuntu installer) or Debian installer.

  • Alt+F7 to move window (do not click yet), then use either the mouse or keyboard arrow keys to move the window around until you can see the buttons.
  • Left-click when you have the window positioned where you want it. This will lock the window in place until the next time you press Alt+F7

Click the required button or fill the needed info. You should only need to do this during the install phase, however. Many people have a subsequent issue after install of the screen size/resolution being too small and not adjusting with screen. This can be corrected by installing Guest Additions after installing Ubuntu.

Solution 2:

Use the Tab key to move to the next button. Pressing it a few times will cycle it through all buttons on the screen depending on where you are on said screen.

Solution 3:

In the window where you are installing the Ubuntu VM, double click at the top and the window gets smaller. Now you can move the window around and get to the buttons.