What are the uses of "using" in C#?

The reason for the using statement is to ensure that the object is disposed as soon as it goes out of scope, and it doesn't require explicit code to ensure that this happens.

As in Understanding the 'using' statement in C# (codeproject) and Using objects that implement IDisposable (microsoft), the C# compiler converts

using (MyResource myRes = new MyResource())


{ // Limits scope of myRes
    MyResource myRes= new MyResource();
        // Check for a null resource.
        if (myRes != null)
            // Call the object's Dispose method.

C# 8 introduces a new syntax, named "using declarations":

A using declaration is a variable declaration preceded by the using keyword. It tells the compiler that the variable being declared should be disposed at the end of the enclosing scope.

So the equivalent code of above would be:

using var myRes = new MyResource();

And when control leaves the containing scope (usually a method, but it can also be a code block), myRes will be disposed.

Since a lot of people still do:

using (System.IO.StreamReader r = new System.IO.StreamReader(""))
using (System.IO.StreamReader r2 = new System.IO.StreamReader("")) {

I guess a lot of people still don't know that you can do:

using (System.IO.StreamReader r = new System.IO.StreamReader(""), r2 = new System.IO.StreamReader("")) {

Things like this:

using (var conn = new SqlConnection("connection string"))

    // Execute SQL statement here on the connection you created

This SqlConnection will be closed without needing to explicitly call the .Close() function, and this will happen even if an exception is thrown, without the need for a try/catch/finally.

using can be used to call IDisposable. It can also be used to alias types.

using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection()) { /* Code */}
using f1 = System.Windows.Forms.Form;