Is Truecrypt/Macfuse supported on Snow Leopard with 64-bit kernel?

TC runs, but I get this error when trying to mount a volume:

Failed to load /Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Support/fusefs.kext - (libkern/kext) link error.

I've seen various posts talking about 64-bit support for both TC and MF, but nothing conclusive. I'm running TC v6.3 and MF v2.0.3. Anyone know if this combo works without having to recompile TC from scratch?

As of MacFuse 2.0, the entire stack is available in 64-bit. Not sure about TrueCrypt, but you don't seem to be getting that far anyhow, probably because the default MacFuse build is broken. You can download a hopefully fixed 64-bit MacFuse at

The caurea re-compile has a bunch of locking issues and you will end up with corrupt data. The Tuxera 2.1.9 version supposedly has these locking issues fixed but it is in beta. I haven't been able to find anyone reporting any issues, but that doesn't mean there aren't any.

You can find up-to-date information, including a compiled version of the Tuxera binary here: