Programmatically generate video or animated GIF in Python?

Solution 1:

I'd recommend not using images2gif from visvis because it has problems with PIL/Pillow and is not actively maintained (I should know, because I am the author).

Instead, please use imageio, which was developed to solve this problem and more, and is intended to stay.

Quick and dirty solution:

import imageio
images = []
for filename in filenames:
imageio.mimsave('/path/to/movie.gif', images)

For longer movies, use the streaming approach:

import imageio
with imageio.get_writer('/path/to/movie.gif', mode='I') as writer:
    for filename in filenames:
        image = imageio.imread(filename)

Solution 2:

Here's how you do it using only PIL (install with: pip install Pillow):

import glob
from PIL import Image

# filepaths
fp_in = "/path/to/image_*.png"
fp_out = "/path/to/image.gif"

img, *imgs = [ for f in sorted(glob.glob(fp_in))], format='GIF', append_images=imgs,
         save_all=True, duration=200, loop=0)

See docs:

Solution 3:

Well, now I'm using ImageMagick. I save my frames as PNG files and then invoke ImageMagick's convert.exe from Python to create an animated GIF. The nice thing about this approach is I can specify a frame duration for each frame individually. Unfortunately this depends on ImageMagick being installed on the machine. They have a Python wrapper but it looks pretty crappy and unsupported. Still open to other suggestions.

Solution 4:

As of June 2009 the originally cited blog post has a method to create animated GIFs in the comments. Download the script (formerly, update courtesy of @geographika).

Then, to reverse the frames in a gif, for instance:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from PIL import Image, ImageSequence
import sys, os
filename = sys.argv[1]
im =
original_duration =['duration']
frames = [frame.copy() for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(im)]    

from images2gif import writeGif
writeGif("reverse_" + os.path.basename(filename), frames, duration=original_duration/1000.0, dither=0)