Looking for a word similar to "custom-made", but stronger

Solution 1:

"Tailored" would be a suitable work for many contexts.
(though, note the differences)

Admittedly, this word derives from a context of people that make clothing and related garments. However, in that note, 'bespoke' also has that same historical context.

Other contextual forms:

  • designed (artistic or attractive)
  • contrived (underhandled, forged, or deceitful)
  • devise (more inventive)
  • concoct (related to chemistry, cooking, and mixing)
  • fabricate (engineered or manufactured, generally from stock materials)

If you are looking for colloquial constructions, consider

  • rigged

Solution 2:

In the UK, they often say "bespoke." It is not a very common word in America, but it might be the word you are looking for.

"Custom-made" and "made-to-order" are both a little bit stronger, and "tailored" is stronger still, but it would be unusual to call a car or a jet "tailored."