Remove titlebar from maximized terminal window

I'm using XFCE on 10.10 and this is just one of those "is this even possible" type questions.

When I have the terminal maximized, is it possible to remove the titlebar, including the close, minimize and maximize buttons?

In essence, it'd be nice to have a fully maximized, transparent terminal overlay. I tend to use terminal text editors alot, and this would be an interesting effect.

Solution 1:

This should do what you want:

Copy and paste this into your favourite text editor:

#! /usr/bin/python
from gtk.gdk import *

state = w.property_get("_NET_WM_STATE")[2]
maximized='_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ' in state and '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT' in state
if maximized: w.unmaximize()
if w.get_decorations() == 0 :

if maximized: w.maximize()

save in your home folder with the name

Add execute permissions:

chmod +x ~/

Create a keyboard shortcut:

enter image description here

For the shortcut in the picture - maximize your terminal and type ALT+y to remove the window decoration in the terminal.

enter image description here