How do I use a custom resolution in SimCity 4?

I would like to play SimCity 4 using a resolution not selectable in game, how can I do this?

The possible settings in game are: 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, and 1600x1200 but I would like to use 1920x1080.

Solution 1:

If you have a shortcut on your desktop or on any other folder (if you don't have, create one), right click the shortcut, go to properties, and on the destination, add a space in the end and -w -r1280x768x32, so it should be something like this:

"C:\Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 4\Apps\SimCity 4.exe" -w -r1280x768x32

where the -w stands for window (so the game will run on windowed mode, and -r1280x768x32 stands for the custom resolution that you want (WIDTHXHEIGHTx32bits).

You can add -intro:off on destination too, to jump the intro part and start the game quickly.

To see more advanced launch options, check this thread on Steam forums.

Solution 2:

SimCity 4 will allow you to play using any of the currently supported resolutions:

1280x800, 1440x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1200, 1360x768, 1024x600, 1600x900, 1920x1080, and 2048x1152.

If you have SimCity 4 in your Steam library, you can edit the Launch Options by right clicking on the game in your library, clicking Properties, then clicking on Set Launch Options.

To set a custom resolution in SimCity 4, you need to edit the target of your SimCity 4 shortcut. To do this, right click the shortcut and select Properties. In the properties window, you will want to be adding the below to the end of the Target field.

The first part is required to enable custom resolutions, the second is required to set the resolution and colour depth;

-CustomResolution:enabled -r1920x1080x32

Changing the "1920x1080x32" part to the specifics of your screen (e.g. WIDTHxHEIGHTx32BITor16BIT)

Solution 3:

In Mac OS X you need to hold option key pressed while launching the app.