Is there a T1 or faction frigate that can solo a Dramiel?

Solution 1:

Might switch a couple of modules around ( if you really want to use an ASB over the armor buffer ), but this is a good fit.

Solution 2:

There's no general answer for this, but yes it is possible, especially if the Dramiel pilot is making mistakes.

Just recently I've seen this kill on kill boards.

As for weaknesses, IMO it's all about the Dramiel's Speed (actually being it's advantage as well):

  • Even with some tank it relies heavily on being too fast to being hit (speed/signature tanking).
  • It needs a lot of tracking itself to shoot back and hit as well.

With these point in mind, your idea isn't that bad at all:

  • Slow the Dramiel down (Stasis Webifier), making it easier to hit.

  • Improve your own tracking (Tracking Enhancer/Tracking Computer/ammo choice/weapon choice/ship choice) also making it easier to hit.

  • Lower the Dramiel's tracking (Tracking Disruptor), forcing it to move slower or hit for less damage.

  • Increase its Signature Radius (Target Painter; far less effective, if barely noticeable; the Shield Rigs will do this for you, too) - also pointless, in case it's using the MWD.

However, I have to disagree with one of your ideas:

  • Keeping the Dramiel at the Edge of your Warp Scrambler's range will be very tricky, even webbed the Dramiel might have enough speed to break free if you're too far on the "edge".

Solution 3:

Exact fit I don't have, but, to quote The Altruist:

The hookbill is known to be one of the few ships which can consistently kill a dramiel without it simply being able to burn away, and against any blaster ship (other than potentially the daredevil) a dual web hookbill is likely to walk through the fight with relative ease.