How can I start gnome-terminal at a particular directory?

Solution 1:


gnome-terminal --working-directory=/path/to/dir

Solution 2:

Add the following line to the end of your ~/.bashrc:

cd ~/public_html

Solution 3:

sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal 

Restart nautilus and then right click at any directory and select "Open in a Terminal".

Solution 4:

You can:

  1. Edit/create the file ~/.bashrc and add this line at the end of the file:

    alias cdx='cd /path/to/myfolder'

    Save the change and logout/login. When you execute the command "cdx" it will take you to the specified folder.

  2. You can create a shortcut/link that will execute this command:

    • If you use gnome-terminal (ubuntu):

      gnome-terminal --working-directory="/full/path/to/myfolder"
    • If you use lxterminal (Lubuntu):

      lxterminal --working-directory="/full/path/to/myfolder"

Solution 5:

you can add nautilus-script like that

Create empty file named as "Open Terminal Here" in

~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/ # for Ubuntu 13.04 or above
~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/      # for Ubuntu 12.10 and below


Open it and write these lines inside.


Make it executable, and right click at any directory in nautilus and select "Scripts > Open Terminal Here" from menu.