OpenLDAP/SSSD Automatically Add User to Local Group

I've got a host of servers running various flavors of Linux all setup as OpenLDAP clients via SSSD. I added an LDAP group (sysadmins). I also added a sysadmins group on all of my servers. The members of the sysadmins group will change over time.

How can I get all users in the LDAP group to be added to the local group on login?

According to the ubuntu documentation you can do a mapping of domain users to local groups, I'm not sure if it is applicable to any OS, but it seems to use standard modules that should be on any *nix system.

From Ubuntu docs

Assign local groups to users

To assign local groups to a domain (ldap) user do the following edit /etc/security/group.conf and add something like the following to it (log in as a local user and run the groups command to verify what to add):


In order to get the pam_group module working you could create a file like /usr/share/pam-configs/my_groups:

Name: activate /etc/security/group.conf
Default: yes

Priority: 900
Auth-Type: Primary Auth:

and activate it by running pam-auth-update.

This roughly equals editing /etc/pam.d/common-auth by hand and adding the following line before any pam_ldap and pam_krb5 settings:

auth required

You should now have local groups showing up for users logging in via gdm and ssh and can verify this by executing id or groups.


Just to make sure everything works, run the following:

/etc/init.d/nscd restart

There's one way of accomplishing this at the moment -- you can either add the user on each host locally and then add the member from LDAP into /etc/groups.

The second way is currently under development for glibc and wouldn't make it to RHEL sooner than 7.3 but you can read about it here:

That would basically allow you to define the group both locally and in LDAP and have libc merge the group contents.