Running cron job manually and immediately with PHP

I just wanted to run all my cronjob manually and immediately ... I just wants to trigger without bothering about output and waiting.

So why not just leave cron to do what cron does, which is to run jobs when they need to be run and (as far as you're concerned as a User) "without bothering about output and waiting"?

The cron utility is a scheduler, which means that the things that it runs want to be run periodically.
Why do you feel the need to run any of them "immediately"?
Is there any danger in running any of these processes more than once at the same time (the risk you run by trying to do cron's job for it)?

The cron utility runs in the security context of the root user.
PHP does not.
So, in order to get PHP to be able to do [all] the things that cron does, you'd have to give it access to root-level privileges (through sudo). This is a Bad Idea(TM) unless you very tightly control what your "elevated PHP" is allowed to do and that's just making a maintenance headache for yourself, because such configuration will break whenever you added a new cron job.