Solution 1:

You can try like this:

 //---deletes a particular title---
public boolean deleteTitle(String name) 
    return db.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_NAME + "=" + name, null) > 0;


public boolean deleteTitle(String name) 
    return db.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_NAME + "=?", new String[]{name}) > 0;

Solution 2:

Try like that may you get your solution

String table = "beaconTable";
String whereClause = "_id=?";
String[] whereArgs = new String[] { String.valueOf(row) };
db.delete(table, whereClause, whereArgs);

Solution 3:

it's better to use whereargs too;

db.delete("tablename","id=? and name=?",new String[]{"1","jack"});

this is like useing this command:

delete from tablename where id='1' and name ='jack'

and using delete function in such way is good because it removes sql injections.

Solution 4:

Till i understand your question,you want to put two conditions to select a row to be deleted.for that,you need to do:

public void deleteEntry(long row,String key_name) {

      db.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_ROWID + "=" + row + " and " + KEY_NAME + "=" + key_name, null);

      /*if you just have key_name to select a row,you can ignore passing rowid(here-row) and use:

      db.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_NAME + "=" + key_name, null);
