Why is it "sequacity" and not "sequenicity"?
I'm trying to form a sentence along the following lines:
"the difference between sequence and synchronicity is important when it comes to understanding..."
I'm unsure of the proper use of the word "sequence" in this sentence. I'm comparing it to "synchronicity" and immediately thought that the word "sequence", would become "sequenicity". But the dictionary tells me different, "sequacity". I'm not debating that it isn't the correct word, as the word "sequenicity" doesn't exist, it's just not what I expected.
sequacity and sequacious, meaning obsequiousness/servile following of others/thoughtless, uncritical acceptance is somewhat archaic.
sequenicity is ... to put it bluntly 'not a word' (meaning it is not really accepted, not in any dictionary, prescriptive, descriptive or otherwise) and is actually not used by anybody. It looks like a neologism or a malformed attempt at making a regular extension of sequence.
If the latter, then the appropriate extension of sequence to an adjective would be
and from that to a noun for the concept would be
Because this started from sequence, all the derivations use 'e' instead of 'a'.
Sequacity does not proceed from sequence directly. It comes from Sequacious. Both have roots in the same Latin word.
Sequacious: following with smooth or logical regularity.
Therefore, a sequence is sequacious.