Touchpad stopped working on an Acer AspireOne D255E
Solution 1:
My daughter complained that the touchpad had stopped working on her Acer Aspire One Happy2 that runs Ubuntu 11.10. It turned out she had accidentally pressed Fn + F7 which disables the touchpad rather than Fn + F8 to mute.
Pressing Fn + F7 brought it back to life.
Solution 2:
It's a problem with IRQ handling between mouse and touchpad. So, run these two commands to restart the driver:
sudo rmmod psmouse
sudo modprobe psmouse
This will make touchpad to work again.
Solution 3:
This is a way to create a file that fixed my Aspire One, so I'm sharing it:
- Open the Terminal
cd /etc/modprobe.d/
gksudo gedit options.conf
- In the text editor, type:
options psmouse proto=imps
- Save the file and close it.
sudo modprobe -r psmouse
sudo modprobe psmouse
Solution 4:
It's possible that you used a function key on the keyboard to disable the touchpad.
Solution 5:
There is actual a bug in Ubuntu 11.10