How do I format a Decimal to a programatically controlled number of decimals in c#?

How can I format a number to a fixed number of decimal places (keep trailing zeroes) where the number of places is specified by a variable?


int x = 3;
Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(1.2345M, x)); // 1.234 (good)
Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(1M, x));      // 1   (would like 1.000)
Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(1.2M, x));    // 1.2 (would like 1.200)

Note that since I want to control the number of places programatically, this string.Format won't work (surely I ought not generate the format string):

    string.Format("{0:0.000}", 1.2M));    // 1.200 (good)

Should I just include Microsoft.VisualBasic and use FormatNumber?

I'm hopefully missing something obvious here.

Solution 1:


decimal x = 32.0040M;
string value = x.ToString("N" + 3 /* decimal places */); // 32.004
string value = x.ToString("N" + 2 /* decimal places */); // 32.00
// etc.

Hope this works for you. See

for more information. If you find the appending a little hacky try:

public static string ToRoundedString(this decimal d, int decimalPlaces) {
    return d.ToString("N" + decimalPlaces);

Then you can just call

decimal x = 32.0123M;
string value = x.ToRoundedString(3);  // 32.012;

Solution 2:

Try this to dynamically create your own format string without having to use multiple steps.

Console.WriteLine(string.Format(string.Format("{{0:0.{0}}}", new string('0', iPlaces)), dValue))

In steps

//Set the value to be shown
decimal dValue = 1.7733222345678M;

//Create number of decimal places
int iPlaces = 6;

//Create a custom format using the correct number of decimal places
string sFormat = string.Format("{{0:0.{0}}}", new string('0', iPlaces));

//Set the resultant string
string sResult = string.Format(sFormat, dValue);