Create PDF showing only legal black bar markup in Word 2013

My Word 2013 document has tracked changes. When I save to PDF, it includes all the tracked change information (including showing deleted text). This is despite me having the view setting configured as "Simple Markup".

My goal is to produce a PDF that only has the vertical bar in the left margin indicating parts of the document that have been altered. Is this possible?

I tried doing a comparison of the two documents (Review > Compare...), but the resulting document behaved exactly the same when saved as PDF.

Solution 1:

  1. Click on the little arrow in the corner of Tracking portion of Review ribbon to get to Track Changes Options
  2. Click Advanced Options
  3. Change Markup for Insertions and Deletions to (none)

enter image description here

Solution 2:

It seems that "Deletions" should rather be set to "hidden"

Solution 3:

For users on macs with recent versions, there's no little arrow in the ribbons. Here's what worked for me:

  1. Click on Markup Options Make sure that Insertions and Deletions is checked;
  2. then click on Preferences
  3. Under Markup, set Insertions to Color Only; Color to Auto; set Deletions to Hidden; set Changed lines to something other than None.