launchtl: any way to disable a daemon after removing the plist file?

I was trying to permanently disable a 3rd party daemon, so I deleted its plist file from /Library/LaunchDaemons-- and then I realized that I hadn't done a launchctl unload on it first; trying after the fact yields "No such file or directory/nothing found to unload". And, of course the daemon is restartable, so when I kill it, it gets recreated.

I tried doing launchctl list in hopes of getting a label to use for launchctl remove but the daemon is no longer listed.

Short of rebooting, is there any way to get launchd to forget about the daemon and/or re-scan the configuration files?

Solution 1:

To see ALL the daemons currently running, you need to type:

sudo launchctl list

Or sort them to nicely separate ones:

sudo launchctl list | sort

And then you can remove it, for example:

sudo launchctl remove com.sassafras.KeyAccess.daemon

Important Note : If you don't want to get daemons on machine reboot, then please remove associated plist file.