Screen resolution is not saved after reboot
Solution 1:
If local screen settings are not "surviving" a reboot or re- log in, your issue is almost certainly the result of a bug. For that reason, it is very hard, if possible at all, to solve without a workaround, since the issue occurs locally, and possible global settings are simply overruled with incorrect local settings.
To solve (workaround) the issue, we need to (re-) confirm our own settings on log in, by adding a command to Startup Applications.
What to do
If your screen is set correctly when using the command
xrandr -s 1440x900
(no need for sudo
), just add the following to Startup Applications: Dash > Startup Applications > Add. Add the command:
/bin/bash -c "sleep 10 && xrandr -s 1440x900"
It is a workaround, but it works. The sleep 10 is needed to make sure the screen setting will not be overruled by local procedures on log in. ten seconds after log in, your screen will be set correctly automatically.
Possibly you need to play a bit with the 10 seconds.
To make it work for all users
Create a .desktop file:
[Desktop Entry] Name=set_screen Exec=/bin/bash -c "sleep 10 && xrandr -s 1440x900" Type=Application
save it as
- Copy the file into
Now the command will run for all users during log in.