How to find list of possible words from a letter matrix [Boggle Solver]

Solution 1:

My answer works like the others here, but I'll post it because it looks a bit faster than the other Python solutions, from setting up the dictionary faster. (I checked this against John Fouhy's solution.) After setup, the time to solve is down in the noise.

grid = "fxie amlo ewbx astu".split()
nrows, ncols = len(grid), len(grid[0])

# A dictionary word that could be a solution must use only the grid's
# letters and have length >= 3. (With a case-insensitive match.)
import re
alphabet = ''.join(set(''.join(grid)))
bogglable = re.compile('[' + alphabet + ']{3,}$', re.I).match

words = set(word.rstrip('\n') for word in open('words') if bogglable(word))
prefixes = set(word[:i] for word in words
               for i in range(2, len(word)+1))

def solve():
    for y, row in enumerate(grid):
        for x, letter in enumerate(row):
            for result in extending(letter, ((x, y),)):
                yield result

def extending(prefix, path):
    if prefix in words:
        yield (prefix, path)
    for (nx, ny) in neighbors(path[-1]):
        if (nx, ny) not in path:
            prefix1 = prefix + grid[ny][nx]
            if prefix1 in prefixes:
                for result in extending(prefix1, path + ((nx, ny),)):
                    yield result

def neighbors((x, y)):
    for nx in range(max(0, x-1), min(x+2, ncols)):
        for ny in range(max(0, y-1), min(y+2, nrows)):
            yield (nx, ny)

Sample usage:

# Print a maximal-length word and its path:
print max(solve(), key=lambda (word, path): len(word))

Edit: Filter out words less than 3 letters long.

Edit 2: I was curious why Kent Fredric's Perl solution was faster; it turns out to use regular-expression matching instead of a set of characters. Doing the same in Python about doubles the speed.

Solution 2:

The fastest solution you're going to get will probably involve storing your dictionary in a trie. Then, create a queue of triplets (x, y, s), where each element in the queue corresponds to a prefix s of a word which can be spelled in the grid, ending at location (x, y). Initialize the queue with N x N elements (where N is the size of your grid), one element for each square in the grid. Then, the algorithm proceeds as follows:

While the queue is not empty:
  Dequeue a triple (x, y, s)
  For each square (x', y') with letter c adjacent to (x, y):
    If s+c is a word, output s+c
    If s+c is a prefix of a word, insert (x', y', s+c) into the queue

If you store your dictionary in a trie, testing if s+c is a word or a prefix of a word can be done in constant time (provided you also keep some extra metadata in each queue datum, such as a pointer to the current node in the trie), so the running time of this algorithm is O(number of words that can be spelled).

[Edit] Here's an implementation in Python that I just coded up:


class TrieNode:
    def __init__(self, parent, value):
        self.parent = parent
        self.children = [None] * 26
        self.isWord = False
        if parent is not None:
            parent.children[ord(value) - 97] = self

def MakeTrie(dictfile):
    dict = open(dictfile)
    root = TrieNode(None, '')
    for word in dict:
        curNode = root
        for letter in word.lower():
            if 97 <= ord(letter) < 123:
                nextNode = curNode.children[ord(letter) - 97]
                if nextNode is None:
                    nextNode = TrieNode(curNode, letter)
                curNode = nextNode
        curNode.isWord = True
    return root

def BoggleWords(grid, dict):
    rows = len(grid)
    cols = len(grid[0])
    queue = []
    words = []
    for y in range(cols):
        for x in range(rows):
            c = grid[y][x]
            node = dict.children[ord(c) - 97]
            if node is not None:
                queue.append((x, y, c, node))
    while queue:
        x, y, s, node = queue[0]
        del queue[0]
        for dx, dy in ((1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)):
            x2, y2 = x + dx, y + dy
            if 0 <= x2 < cols and 0 <= y2 < rows:
                s2 = s + grid[y2][x2]
                node2 = node.children[ord(grid[y2][x2]) - 97]
                if node2 is not None:
                    if node2.isWord:
                    queue.append((x2, y2, s2, node2))

    return words

Example usage:

d = MakeTrie('/usr/share/dict/words')
print(BoggleWords(['fxie','amlo','ewbx','astu'], d))


['fa', 'xi', 'ie', 'io', 'el', 'am', 'ax', 'ae', 'aw', 'mi', 'ma', 'me', 'lo', 'li', 'oe', 'ox', 'em', 'ea', 'ea', 'es', 'wa', 'we', 'wa', 'bo', 'bu', 'as', 'aw', 'ae', 'st', 'se', 'sa', 'tu', 'ut', 'fam', 'fae', 'imi', 'eli', 'elm', 'elb', 'ami', 'ama', 'ame', 'aes', 'awl', 'awa', 'awe', 'awa', 'mix', 'mim', 'mil', 'mam', 'max', 'mae', 'maw', 'mew', 'mem', 'mes', 'lob', 'lox', 'lei', 'leo', 'lie', 'lim', 'oil', 'olm', 'ewe', 'eme', 'wax', 'waf', 'wae', 'waw', 'wem', 'wea', 'wea', 'was', 'waw', 'wae', 'bob', 'blo', 'bub', 'but', 'ast', 'ase', 'asa', 'awl', 'awa', 'awe', 'awa', 'aes', 'swa', 'swa', 'sew', 'sea', 'sea', 'saw', 'tux', 'tub', 'tut', 'twa', 'twa', 'tst', 'utu', 'fama', 'fame', 'ixil', 'imam', 'amli', 'amil', 'ambo', 'axil', 'axle', 'mimi', 'mima', 'mime', 'milo', 'mile', 'mewl', 'mese', 'mesa', 'lolo', 'lobo', 'lima', 'lime', 'limb', 'lile', 'oime', 'oleo', 'olio', 'oboe', 'obol', 'emim', 'emil', 'east', 'ease', 'wame', 'wawa', 'wawa', 'weam', 'west', 'wese', 'wast', 'wase', 'wawa', 'wawa', 'boil', 'bolo', 'bole', 'bobo', 'blob', 'bleo', 'bubo', 'asem', 'stub', 'stut', 'swam', 'semi', 'seme', 'seam', 'seax', 'sasa', 'sawt', 'tutu', 'tuts', 'twae', 'twas', 'twae', 'ilima', 'amble', 'axile', 'awest', 'mamie', 'mambo', 'maxim', 'mease', 'mesem', 'limax', 'limes', 'limbo', 'limbu', 'obole', 'emesa', 'embox', 'awest', 'swami', 'famble', 'mimble', 'maxima', 'embolo', 'embole', 'wamble', 'semese', 'semble', 'sawbwa', 'sawbwa']

Notes: This program doesn't output 1-letter words, or filter by word length at all. That's easy to add but not really relevant to the problem. It also outputs some words multiple times if they can be spelled in multiple ways. If a given word can be spelled in many different ways (worst case: every letter in the grid is the same (e.g. 'A') and a word like 'aaaaaaaaaa' is in your dictionary), then the running time will get horribly exponential. Filtering out duplicates and sorting is trivial to due after the algorithm has finished.

Solution 3:

For a dictionary speedup, there is one general transformation/process you can do to greatly reduce the dictionary comparisons ahead of time.

Given that the above grid contains only 16 characters, some of them duplicate, you can greatly reduce the number of total keys in your dictionary by simply filtering out entries that have unattainable characters.

I thought this was the obvious optimization but seeing nobody did it I'm mentioning it.

It reduced me from a dictionary of 200,000 keys to only 2,000 keys simply during the input pass. This at the very least reduces memory overhead, and that's sure to map to a speed increase somewhere as memory isn't infinitely fast.

Perl Implementation

My implementation is a bit top-heavy because I placed importance on being able to know the exact path of every extracted string, not just the validity therein.

I also have a few adaptions in there that would theoretically permit a grid with holes in it to function, and grids with different sized lines ( assuming you get the input right and it lines up somehow ).

The early-filter is by far the most significant bottleneck in my application, as suspected earlier, commenting out that line bloats it from 1.5s to 7.5s.

Upon execution it appears to think all the single digits are on their own valid words, but I'm pretty sure thats due to how the dictionary file works.

Its a bit bloated, but at least I reuse Tree::Trie from cpan

Some of it was inspired partially by the existing implementations, some of it I had in mind already.

Constructive Criticism and ways it could be improved welcome ( /me notes he never searched CPAN for a boggle solver, but this was more fun to work out )

updated for new criteria


use strict;
use warnings;


  # this package manages a given path through the grid.
  # Its an array of matrix-nodes in-order with
  # Convenience functions for pretty-printing the paths
  # and for extending paths as new paths.

  # Usage:
  # my $p = Prefix->new(path=>[ $startnode ]);
  # my $c = $p->child( $extensionNode );
  # print $c->current_word ;

  package Prefix;
  use Moose;

  has path => (
      isa     => 'ArrayRef[MatrixNode]',
      is      => 'rw',
      default => sub { [] },
  has current_word => (
      isa        => 'Str',
      is         => 'rw',
      lazy_build => 1,

  # Create a clone of this object
  # with a longer path

  # $o->child( $successive-node-on-graph );

  sub child {
      my $self    = shift;
      my $newNode = shift;
      my $f       = Prefix->new();

      # Have to do this manually or other recorded paths get modified
      push @{ $f->{path} }, @{ $self->{path} }, $newNode;
      return $f;

  # Traverses $o->path left-to-right to get the string it represents.

  sub _build_current_word {
      my $self = shift;
      return join q{}, map { $_->{value} } @{ $self->{path} };

  # Returns  the rightmost node on this path

  sub tail {
      my $self = shift;
      return $self->{path}->[-1];

  # pretty-format $o->path

  sub pp_path {
      my $self = shift;
      my @path =
        map { '[' . $_->{x_position} . ',' . $_->{y_position} . ']' }
        @{ $self->{path} };
      return "[" . join( ",", @path ) . "]";

  # pretty-format $o
  sub pp {
      my $self = shift;
      return $self->current_word . ' => ' . $self->pp_path;



  # Basic package for tracking node data
  # without having to look on the grid.
  # I could have just used an array or a hash, but that got ugly.

# Once the matrix is up and running it doesn't really care so much about rows/columns,
# Its just a sea of points and each point has adjacent points.
# Relative positioning is only really useful to map it back to userspace

  package MatrixNode;
  use Moose;

  has x_position => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1 );
  has y_position => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1 );
  has value      => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 1 );
  has siblings   => (
      isa     => 'ArrayRef[MatrixNode]',
      is      => 'rw',
      default => sub { [] }

# Its not implicitly uni-directional joins. It would be more effient in therory
# to make the link go both ways at the same time, but thats too hard to program around.
# and besides, this isn't slow enough to bother caring about.

  sub add_sibling {
      my $self    = shift;
      my $sibling = shift;
      push @{ $self->siblings }, $sibling;

  # Convenience method to derive a path starting at this node

  sub to_path {
      my $self = shift;
      return Prefix->new( path => [$self] );



  package Matrix;
  use Moose;

  has rows => (
      isa     => 'ArrayRef',
      is      => 'rw',
      default => sub { [] },

  has regex => (
      isa        => 'Regexp',
      is         => 'rw',
      lazy_build => 1,

  has cells => (
      isa        => 'ArrayRef',
      is         => 'rw',
      lazy_build => 1,

  sub add_row {
      my $self = shift;
      push @{ $self->rows }, [@_];

  # Most of these functions from here down are just builder functions,
  # or utilities to help build things.
  # Some just broken out to make it easier for me to process.
  # All thats really useful is add_row
  # The rest will generally be computed, stored, and ready to go
  # from ->cells by the time either ->cells or ->regex are called.

  # traverse all cells and make a regex that covers them.
  sub _build_regex {
      my $self  = shift;
      my $chars = q{};
      for my $cell ( @{ $self->cells } ) {
          $chars .= $cell->value();
      $chars = "[^$chars]";
      return qr/$chars/i;

  # convert a plain cell ( ie: [x][y] = 0 )
  # to an intelligent cell ie: [x][y] = object( x, y )
  # we only really keep them in this format temporarily
  # so we can go through and tie in neighbouring information.
  # after the neigbouring is done, the grid should be considered inoperative.

  sub _convert {
      my $self = shift;
      my $x    = shift;
      my $y    = shift;
      my $v    = $self->_read( $x, $y );
      my $n    = MatrixNode->new(
          x_position => $x,
          y_position => $y,
          value      => $v,
      $self->_write( $x, $y, $n );
      return $n;

# go through the rows/collums presently available and freeze them into objects.

  sub _build_cells {
      my $self = shift;
      my @out  = ();
      my @rows = @{ $self->{rows} };
      for my $x ( 0 .. $#rows ) {
          next unless defined $self->{rows}->[$x];
          my @col = @{ $self->{rows}->[$x] };
          for my $y ( 0 .. $#col ) {
              next unless defined $self->{rows}->[$x]->[$y];
              push @out, $self->_convert( $x, $y );
      for my $c (@out) {
          for my $n ( $self->_neighbours( $c->x_position, $c->y_position ) ) {
              $c->add_sibling( $self->{rows}->[ $n->[0] ]->[ $n->[1] ] );
      return \@out;

  # given x,y , return array of points that refer to valid neighbours.
  sub _neighbours {
      my $self = shift;
      my $x    = shift;
      my $y    = shift;
      my @out  = ();
      for my $sx ( -1, 0, 1 ) {
          next if $sx + $x < 0;
          next if not defined $self->{rows}->[ $sx + $x ];
          for my $sy ( -1, 0, 1 ) {
              next if $sx == 0 && $sy == 0;
              next if $sy + $y < 0;
              next if not defined $self->{rows}->[ $sx + $x ]->[ $sy + $y ];
              push @out, [ $sx + $x, $sy + $y ];
      return @out;

  sub _has_row {
      my $self = shift;
      my $x    = shift;
      return defined $self->{rows}->[$x];

  sub _has_cell {
      my $self = shift;
      my $x    = shift;
      my $y    = shift;
      return defined $self->{rows}->[$x]->[$y];

  sub _read {
      my $self = shift;
      my $x    = shift;
      my $y    = shift;
      return $self->{rows}->[$x]->[$y];

  sub _write {
      my $self = shift;
      my $x    = shift;
      my $y    = shift;
      my $v    = shift;
      $self->{rows}->[$x]->[$y] = $v;
      return $v;


use Tree::Trie;

sub readDict {
  my $fn = shift;
  my $re = shift;
  my $d  = Tree::Trie->new();

  # Dictionary Loading
  open my $fh, '<', $fn;
  while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {

 # Commenting the next line makes it go from 1.5 seconds to 7.5 seconds. EPIC.
      next if $line =~ $re;    # Early Filter
      $d->add( uc($line) );
  return $d;

sub traverseGraph {
  my $d     = shift;
  my $m     = shift;
  my $min   = shift;
  my $max   = shift;
  my @words = ();

  # Inject all grid nodes into the processing queue.

  my @queue =
    grep { $d->lookup( $_->current_word ) }
    map  { $_->to_path } @{ $m->cells };

  while (@queue) {
      my $item = shift @queue;

      # put the dictionary into "exact match" mode.


      my $cword = $item->current_word;
      my $l     = length($cword);

      if ( $l >= $min && $d->lookup($cword) ) {
          push @words,
            $item;    # push current path into "words" if it exactly matches.
      next if $l > $max;

      # put the dictionary into "is-a-prefix" mode.

    siblingloop: foreach my $sibling ( @{ $item->tail->siblings } ) {
          foreach my $visited ( @{ $item->{path} } ) {
              next siblingloop if $sibling == $visited;

          # given path y , iterate for all its end points
          my $subpath = $item->child($sibling);

          # create a new path for each end-point
          if ( $d->lookup( $subpath->current_word ) ) {

             # if the new path is a prefix, add it to the bottom of the queue.
              push @queue, $subpath;
  return \@words;

sub setup_predetermined { 
  my $m = shift; 
  my $gameNo = shift;
  if( $gameNo == 0 ){
      $m->add_row(qw( F X I E ));
      $m->add_row(qw( A M L O ));
      $m->add_row(qw( E W B X ));
      $m->add_row(qw( A S T U ));
      return $m;
  if( $gameNo == 1 ){
      $m->add_row(qw( D G H I ));
      $m->add_row(qw( K L P S ));
      $m->add_row(qw( Y E U T ));
      $m->add_row(qw( E O R N ));
      return $m;
sub setup_random { 
  my $m = shift; 
  my $seed = shift;
  srand $seed;
  my @letters = 'A' .. 'Z' ; 
  for( 1 .. 4 ){ 
      my @r = ();
      for( 1 .. 4 ){
          push @r , $letters[int(rand(25))];
      $m->add_row( @r );

# Here is where the real work starts.

my $m = Matrix->new();
setup_predetermined( $m, 0 );
#setup_random( $m, 5 );

my $d = readDict( 'dict.txt', $m->regex );
my $c = scalar @{ $m->cells };    # get the max, as per spec

print join ",\n", map { $_->pp } @{
  traverseGraph( $d, $m, 3, $c ) ;

Arch/execution info for comparison:

model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T9300  @ 2.50GHz
cache size      : 6144 KB
Memory usage summary: heap total: 77057577, heap peak: 11446200, stack peak: 26448
       total calls   total memory   failed calls
 malloc|     947212       68763684              0
realloc|      11191        1045641              0  (nomove:9063, dec:4731, free:0)
 calloc|     121001        7248252              0
   free|     973159       65854762

Histogram for block sizes:
  0-15         392633  36% ==================================================
 16-31          43530   4% =====
 32-47          50048   4% ======
 48-63          70701   6% =========
 64-79          18831   1% ==
 80-95          19271   1% ==
 96-111        238398  22% ==============================
112-127          3007  <1% 
128-143        236727  21% ==============================

More Mumblings on that Regex Optimization

The regex optimization I use is useless for multi-solve dictionaries, and for multi-solve you'll want a full dictionary, not a pre-trimmed one.

However, that said, for one-off solves, its really fast. ( Perl regex are in C! :) )

Here is some varying code additions:

sub readDict_nofilter {
  my $fn = shift;
  my $re = shift;
  my $d  = Tree::Trie->new();

  # Dictionary Loading
  open my $fh, '<', $fn;
  while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
      $d->add( uc($line) );
  return $d;

sub benchmark_io { 
  use Benchmark qw( cmpthese :hireswallclock );
   # generate a random 16 character string 
   # to simulate there being an input grid. 
  my $regexen = sub { 
      my @letters = 'A' .. 'Z' ; 
      my @lo = ();
      for( 1..16 ){ 
          push @lo , $_ ; 
      my $c  = join '', @lo;
      $c = "[^$c]";
      return qr/$c/i;
  cmpthese( 200 , { 
      filtered => sub { 
          readDict('dict.txt', $regexen->() );
      unfiltered => sub {
           s/iter unfiltered   filtered
unfiltered   8.16         --       -94%
filtered    0.464      1658%         --

ps: 8.16 * 200 = 27 minutes.

Solution 4:

You could split the problem up into two pieces:

  1. Some kind of search algorithm that will enumerate possible strings in the grid.
  2. A way of testing whether a string is a valid word.

Ideally, (2) should also include a way of testing whether a string is a prefix of a valid word – this will allow you to prune your search and save a whole heap of time.

Adam Rosenfield's Trie is a solution to (2). It's elegant and probably what your algorithms specialist would prefer, but with modern languages and modern computers, we can be a bit lazier. Also, as Kent suggests, we can reduce our dictionary size by discarding words that have letters not present in the grid. Here's some python:

def make_lookups(grid, fn='dict.txt'):
    # Make set of valid characters.
    chars = set()
    for word in grid:

    words = set(x.strip() for x in open(fn) if set(x.strip()) <= chars)
    prefixes = set()
    for w in words:
        for i in range(len(w)+1):

    return words, prefixes

Wow; constant-time prefix testing. It takes a couple of seconds to load the dictionary you linked, but only a couple :-) (notice that words <= prefixes)

Now, for part (1), I'm inclined to think in terms of graphs. So I'll build a dictionary that looks something like this:

graph = { (x, y):set([(x0,y0), (x1,y1), (x2,y2)]), }

i.e. graph[(x, y)] is the set of coordinates that you can reach from position (x, y). I'll also add a dummy node None which will connect to everything.

Building it's a bit clumsy, because there's 8 possible positions and you have to do bounds checking. Here's some correspondingly-clumsy python code:

def make_graph(grid):
    root = None
    graph = { root:set() }
    chardict = { root:'' }

    for i, row in enumerate(grid):
        for j, char in enumerate(row):
            chardict[(i, j)] = char
            node = (i, j)
            children = set()
            graph[node] = children
            add_children(node, children, grid)

    return graph, chardict

def add_children(node, children, grid):
    x0, y0 = node
    for i in [-1,0,1]:
        x = x0 + i
        if not (0 <= x < len(grid)):
        for j in [-1,0,1]:
            y = y0 + j
            if not (0 <= y < len(grid[0])) or (i == j == 0):


This code also builds up a dictionary mapping (x,y) to the corresponding character. This lets me turn a list of positions into a word:

def to_word(chardict, pos_list):
    return ''.join(chardict[x] for x in pos_list)

Finally, we do a depth-first search. The basic procedure is:

  1. The search arrives at a particular node.
  2. Check if the path so far could be part of a word. If not, don't explore this branch any further.
  3. Check if the path so far is a word. If so, add to the list of results.
  4. Explore all children not part of the path so far.


def find_words(graph, chardict, position, prefix, results, words, prefixes):
    """ Arguments:
      graph :: mapping (x,y) to set of reachable positions
      chardict :: mapping (x,y) to character
      position :: current position (x,y) -- equals prefix[-1]
      prefix :: list of positions in current string
      results :: set of words found
      words :: set of valid words in the dictionary
      prefixes :: set of valid words or prefixes thereof
    word = to_word(chardict, prefix)

    if word not in prefixes:

    if word in words:

    for child in graph[position]:
        if child not in prefix:
            find_words(graph, chardict, child, prefix+[child], results, words, prefixes)

Run the code as:

grid = ['fxie', 'amlo', 'ewbx', 'astu']
g, c = make_graph(grid)
w, p = make_lookups(grid)
res = set()
find_words(g, c, None, [], res, w, p)

and inspect res to see the answers. Here's a list of words found for your example, sorted by size:

 ['a', 'b', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'l', 'm', 'o', 's', 't',
 'u', 'w', 'x', 'ae', 'am', 'as', 'aw', 'ax', 'bo',
 'bu', 'ea', 'el', 'em', 'es', 'fa', 'ie', 'io', 'li',
 'lo', 'ma', 'me', 'mi', 'oe', 'ox', 'sa', 'se', 'st',
 'tu', 'ut', 'wa', 'we', 'xi', 'aes', 'ame', 'ami',
 'ase', 'ast', 'awa', 'awe', 'awl', 'blo', 'but', 'elb',
 'elm', 'fae', 'fam', 'lei', 'lie', 'lim', 'lob', 'lox',
 'mae', 'maw', 'mew', 'mil', 'mix', 'oil', 'olm', 'saw',
 'sea', 'sew', 'swa', 'tub', 'tux', 'twa', 'wae', 'was',
 'wax', 'wem', 'ambo', 'amil', 'amli', 'asem', 'axil',
 'axle', 'bleo', 'boil', 'bole', 'east', 'fame', 'limb',
 'lime', 'mesa', 'mewl', 'mile', 'milo', 'oime', 'sawt',
 'seam', 'seax', 'semi', 'stub', 'swam', 'twae', 'twas',
 'wame', 'wase', 'wast', 'weam', 'west', 'amble', 'awest',
 'axile', 'embox', 'limbo', 'limes', 'swami', 'embole',
 'famble', 'semble', 'wamble']

The code takes (literally) a couple of seconds to load the dictionary, but the rest is instant on my machine.