Eclipse/Aptana does not ctrl+tab between open files

I'm using Aptana to develop a PHP site. I'm a .NET developer with some experience with PHP. I'm used to the highly robust Visual Studio and getting used to Aptana (built on the Eclipse core). When I have several files open I cannot ctrl+tab between them. Does anyone know how to turn that on? It's kind of pathetic if that's off by default.

I haven't worked with Aptana in a long time, but I've used Eclipse quite a bit, and I believe the tab-switching is bound to Ctrl+PgUp (or PgDown) by default. I just recently installed Galileo, and used this as an opportunity to try rebinding to Ctrl+Tab, but didn't have any luck.

I know I got this to work on previous versions of Eclipse (at least Europa, and possibly Ganymede), but am not certain why it's not working in Galileo. Regardless, here's how to find the key-bindings in an Eclipse install (I would assume Aptana uses these bindings as well):


From there you can try filtering the key-binding you're looking for (e.g. "tabs" or something) and input whatever combo you want.

I would also recommend searching for the key-combo you're going to use to make sure it's not already in use. If it is, you'll want to re-bind the conflicting binding, so they don't collide.

Go to windows->Preferences->General->Keys. Type Next Tab and select the command "Next Tab" (Category All Aptana Editors). Unbind this command, edit the "Next Editor" command to ctrl+tab and voila!

On my Mac Book Pro running Leopard it's:

CTRL+FN+SHIFT UpArrow|DownArrow

Actually all you need to do is CTRL + PageUp | PageDown