What's the least conflicting prefix/escape sequence for screen or tmux?

Screen goes with Ctrl+A. tmux on the other hand—as developed within screen—uses Ctrl+B. Both keystrokes, however, are also used in editors, shells, etc. Thus choosing either one degrades the user experience and functionality of those tools when used within tmux or screen.

What prefix conflicts the least with other programs' and shells' keybindings?

I think ^\ (a.k.a. ^|) is the best if it's in a convenient position on your keyboard layout. Its uses in other programs are quite rare:

  • sending SIGQUIT to a process
  • aborting for or while loops in a shell when ^C is intercepted
  • toggle-input-method in emacs

I don't know of any other uses. Be careful to not accidentally kill a processes outside of tmux or screen after getting used to it. It happened to me only once in a few years though.


unbind-key C-b
set -g prefix 'C-\'
bind-key 'C-\' send-prefix


escape ^|^|

For people who want to use backtick as the escape in tmux, you'll want to add:

unbind C-b
set -g prefix `
bind-key ` send-prefix

That last one is important, else you can't type a backtick for other purposes :-)

Ctrl+A is also known to cause problems with Emacs, including Bash in Emacs mode. It sounds like this is not a problem for you.

Ctrl+O is the other option I've seen. Apparently, this is the default in RatPoison (this is an X window manager that doesn't need a mouse). I've used Ctrl+O when using nested screens: Ctrl+O for the outer one and Ctrl+A for the inner ones. Worked well, but kinda scared my colleagues. :-)

I was just thinking and if you use vi rather than Emacs, there are a few alternatives. Ctrl+G isn't used by much, for instance.

I've got CAPS-LOCK globally mapped to ESC. Then, I use M-Space (ie. CAPS-LOCK+ Space) for my prefix.