Create XLS or CSV from file names in folder on Windows?

I have a few hundred files in a folder on a Windows 7 machine. Is there a way to generate an XLS, or CSV file from the file names in the folder?

A text file is fine as well; Just looking for any method to automatically extract the file names.

Solution 1:

One very quick and dirty way is the command prompt. Simply open one, navigate to your folder and funnel the result into a text file using this command:

dir > filenames.txt

You will have to do some cleaning up, but as I said "quick and dirty". :-) If you only want certain objects you can of course limit the output of your 'dir' command.

The option Cybertox mentioned might be a good idea:

/B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary).

Solution 2:

You can use PowerShell to create an actual CSV file:

dir | Export-Csv MyFileList.csv

Solution 3:

This used to work on older Windows versions and gave the full path of all files:

dir /s /b > list.txt