How to get SASL authentication to work with DIGEST-MD5 for OpenLDAP?

Solution 1:

My recipe is for OpenLDAP to check directly /etc/sasldb2.

First step: ensure the /etc/sasldb2 is owned by slapd user.

Next step: have slapd not to look for credentials in directory tree, which is done as following:

dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcSaslAuxprops
olcSaslAuxprops: sasldb

Later, you will also need a olcAuthzRegexp rule, but in order to test if auth works, it is not necessary.

These settings are working on Debian GNU/Linux Jessie OpenLDAP-2.4.40 builded from source.

Solution 2:

The CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 methods are impossible with "pwcheck_method: saslauthd". They needs plain, unencrypted passwords in a LDAP directory itself.