How to unregister BroadcastReceiver

Solution 1:


For an Activity:

In order to register your broadcast receiver from within your app, first, remove the <receiver> tag from your AndroidManifest.xml file. Then, call registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver, IntentFilter filter) in your onResume(). Use unregisterReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver) in your onPause() to unregister the Broadcast receiver.

For a Service:

Remove the receiver tag from the manifest file. You can then register your Broadcast receiver with the same method in the onCreate() and unregister in the onDestroy().

EDIT: Sample Code:

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
  private final BroadcastReceiver mybroadcast = new SmsBR();

  public void onResume() {

    IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
    registerReceiver(mybroadcast, filter);

  public void onPause() {


Solution 2:

onDestroy() is not guaranteed to be called. When you start Activity from Activty, onPause() and onStop() method called instead of onDestroy().

onDestroy() calls when you hit back button or call finish() method.

Hence, broadcast receiver should be registered in onStart() or onResume(), and unregister receiver in onPause() or onStop().

If you unregister receiver in onDestroy() method, it might cause a memory leak in App.