PHPUnit: expects method meaning

expects() - Sets how many times you expect a method to be called:

$mock = $this->getMock('nameOfTheClass', array('firstMethod','secondMethod','thirdMethod'));

If you know, that method is called once use $this->once() in expects(), otherwise use $this->any()

PHPUnit mock with multiple expects() calls

A look into the source code will tell you:

 * Registers a new expectation in the mock object and returns the match
 * object which can be infused with further details.
 * @param  PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_Invocation $matcher
 * @return PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Builder_InvocationMocker
public function expects(PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_Invocation $matcher);

And the PHPUnit Manual lists the available Matchers at

  • any() returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is executed zero or more times.
  • never() returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is never executed.
  • atLeastOnce() returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is executed at least once.
  • once() returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is executed exactly once.
  • exactly(int $count) returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is executed exactly $count times.
  • at(int $index) returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is invoked at the given $index.