So a user hid a folder and now he can't find it? [duplicate]

I think that this would work. I do not have an XP box onhand to test, but this works correctly on Windows 7. Just change C: to the directory you want to check and it will give you a list of all hidden folders minus system folders.

dir C:\ /ahd-s /s /b /p 

I forgot to mention you have to run this from cmd.exe and you can always do something like

dir C:\ /ahd-s /s /b > c:\list.txt

to direct all output into a text file for easier viewing.

If you want the search to include all hidden files as well, but not system files, change the command to

dir C:\ /ah-s /s /b /p

/a means only show us files with the following attributes. We add /ah to specify hidden files only, /ahd would only be hidden directories and /ahd-s would be hidden directories only excluding system files (-s)

Did you consider unhide all folder at once for those users by command line {attrib -h /s /d location/.} ?

Because you may also educate them to administrate well their folders by this chance. It should not be a work load in your side in long term as adminstrator. Also even they hide it, you can discover them then their hidden strategy have no point.