How can I fake request.POST and GET params for unit testing in Flask?

Solution 1:

Did you read Flask docs about testing?

You can use following:'/path-to-request', data=dict(var1='data1', var2='data2', ...))'/path-to-request', query_string=dict(arg1='data1', arg2='data2', ...))

Current development version of Flask also includes support for testing JSON APIs:

from flask import request, jsonify

def auth():
    json_data = request.get_json()
    attribute = json_data['attr']
    return jsonify(resp=generate_response(attribute))

with app.test_client() as c:
    rv ='/jsonapi', json={
        'attr': 'value', 'other': 'data'
    json_data = rv.get_json()
    assert generate_response(email, json_data['resp'])

Solution 2:

POST:'/endpoint', data=params)

GET:'/endpoint', query_string=params)

Solution 3:

If you prefer to use test_request_context:

import unittest
from myapp import extract_query_params

testapp = flask.Flask(__name__)

class TestFoo(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_happy(self):
        with testapp.test_request_context('?limit=1&offset=2'):
            limit, offset = extract_query_params(['limit', 'offset'])
            self.assertEquals(limit, 1)
            self.assertEquals(offset, 2)

Solution 4:

I still had issue with this when testing post form data for logging in this worked for me.

def login(self, username, password):
    return'/', data='Client_id=' + username +'&Password=' + password,

I found this is out this way.

Chrome: Developer mode --> Doc --> HTML doc that was requested --> Headers Tab --> Form data --> view source