WMI instead of WMIC command to find application version?

I'm using wmic to find the current version of an in-house application. My command looks like this:

wmic product where "name='Application Name'" get version

I've never used wmi, but I've read about people saying it's easier to use than wmic. I think my use is a pretty simple one, but how would I use wmi for this, and would it be faster than wmic? (wmic runs very slowly for me)


Get-WMIObject -Query "SELECT Version FROM Win32_Product WHERE Name='SomeName'"

I've read bad things about using Win32_Product. I don't know the details about it, so maybe it's fine in this case, but I ended up going with the following after reading this blog and asking this question:

$regpath = 'HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'
$version = Get-ItemProperty "$regpath\*" |
           Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq 'Application Name' } |
           Select-Object -Expand DisplayVersion

To emulate the wmic command you posted using WMI, open a PowerShell prompt and input:

Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_Product" | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "Application Name" } | select Name,Version

You can use { $_.Name -like "*application*" } for better matching, if needed.

This can also be run against remote machines and/or using different credentials by adding the -ComputerName and -Credential parameters.