How to start and stop android service from a adb shell?

I need to write a shell script to start and stop an android service .

Solution 1:

I'm a beginner in Android, but got it working like this:

in AndroidManifest.xml, make sure you, inside <application>, have something like this:

<service android:name="" android:permission="">
        <action android:name=""/>

where YourServiceSubClassName extend is your java class that is the service. Where com.some.package is the package name, for me both in AndroidManifest.xml and in Java. Used a article as help, look for <service>

Note also, supposedly between the package name and the class name there should be .service. in the text, I guess this is some convention, but for me this caused ClassNotFoundException that I'm yet to solve.

Then, install your apk. I did from eclipse but also adb install -r yourApkHere.apk should work. Uninstall is adb uninstall, btw.

You can start it from host system like this, thanks Just a Tim and MrRoy:

adb shell am startservice

interestingly, I didn't need -n.

To stop, I use

adb shell am force-stop

Hope it helps.

As I'm a beginner, please feel freet to edit/comment to fix any misconceptions (eg. probably regarding .service. in the component (?) name).

Solution 2:

Starting a service:

adb shell am startservice ...

start a Service. Options are: --user | current: Specify which user to run as; if not specified then run as the current user.

Stopping a service:

adb shell am stopservice ... 

stop a Service. Options are: --user | current: Specify which user to run as; if not specified then run as the current user.