Vim move word skips dot
It's the 'iskeyword'
option. You may be able to change this behavior simply by doing:
:set iskeyword-=.
If that doesn't work it means the period character is included in the option as part of a character range instead of individually, and you'll have to check the value (with the question mark as part of the command):
:verbose set iskeyword?
Then determine how to properly modify it to exclude the period. Take a look at this (with the single-quotes as part of the command):
:help 'iskeyword'
I should warn you that having the period character included in 'iskeyword'
is not a Vim default, so you may have a filetype plugin or language specific syntax highlighting that is adding it. The reason it would is because the 'iskeyword
' is used for many things, including certain regular expression atoms, which can be used in syntax highlighting. So removing it may "break" something else.
Right way is change iskeyword definition.
I use on vimrc:
set iskeyword=65-90,95,97-122,48-57 "the same: a-z,_,A-Z,0-9
If you use some plugins, like ctrlp, you need some extra work to keep iskeyword configuration active, because exist a lot of plugins change iskeyword each time they execute.
You can map leader+k to run this command
map <leader>k :set iskeyword=65-90,95,97-122,48-57<CR>