Cannot install Windows 8.1 Update Kb2919355. Windows Update Error 80073712

I'm running Win 8.1 Pro x64. On April 9th, I was offered two updates from Microsoft. Usually, updates install automatically through Windows update but the following two updates, I noticed today (April 12th) are failing continuously with the error: 80073712. The updates are

  1. Security update for IE 11 (Kb2936068) 15MB
  2. Windows 8.1 Update (Kb2919355)

I have followed the resolution steps I found on the web and ran sfc /scannow which revealed everything is good.

I tried updating Kb2919355 manually using the standalone update utility and downloading the bunch of updates listed on the microsoft download center under this kb for Windows Update 8.1 but it doesn't install kb2919355 which is a 600+ Mb file saying nothing but some updates couldn't be installed.

I noticed that as soon as I run Windows Update using the Control Panel to try to download either of the above updates, it doesn't waste too much time and just comes back with the error 80073712. It doesn't even attempt to download the files completely and fails after 1 or 5%.

I have tried to review the WindowsUpdate Error log but its difficult to interpret and trying to google the failure messages in it has been making me run in circles.

My computer is running smoothly but I'd like to install those updates for satisfaction's sake. Otherwise, I might end up doing a fresh install but that's just too much hassle.

I'd appreciate the help and will share the logs that you ask. Thanks.

Solution 1:


I debugged this the last days several times. The fix is to run those 2 commands from a cmd, started as admin:

32Bit Windows:

dism /online /remove-package /packagename:Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~
dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup


dism /online /remove-package /packagename:Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup

reboot and try to install the Updates again.

When it still fails, you can use the new Refresh/Reset feature (which removes all desktop applications but repairs the Windows Core) or the old InPlace Upgrade to repair Windows completely. This also keeps all desktop applications.

Solution 2:

If you have AVAST installed, deactivate it until installation is finished. That worked for me on 2 different computers.