Stop folders opening with different application than the file manager

Solution 1:

Answer edited out from the question

Solution was obvious, in Nautilus I select a folder, right click, Open with other application, and pick "Files" which is apparently the name for Nautilus. Now that set the default back... until next time! I guess this is a cautionary tale.

Solution 2:

On Ubuntu 14.04, this one works for me:

xdg-mime default nautilus.desktop inode/directory

Original answer comes from here and here

The command above adds a line inode/directory=nautilus.desktop to your .local/share/applications/mimeapps.list

Works instantly without logging out/restart.

Solution 3:

In your home folder go to .local/share/applications/mimeapps.list It is a hidden file. You can unhide it with the following keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + H .

You then need to modify the line inode/directory=movie-player.desktop; or something like that, to inode/directory=nautilus-folder-handler.desktop; and save the file.

Solution 4:

My original problem was that right-click "Open Containing Folder" didn't work for me in Banshee or File Roller on Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit. The dialog was a Shotwell dialog saying "unable to open folder". I tried deleting ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list but that just forgot all my default application settings and had no effect on my original problem.

Here's what worked (I marked some things as "No Effect" meaning that I think these steps are unnecessary, but I can't be sure):

  • I uninstalled shotwell sudo apt-get remove shotwell then reinstalled it again sudo apt-get install shotwell. Now "Open Containing Folder" opened wrongly in Disk Usage Analyzer (baobab)

  • No Effect: I added nautilus.desktop to this line in mimeapps.list: inode/directory=nautilus-folder-handler.desktop;nautilus.desktop;

  • No Effect: I tried uninstalling and re-installing nautalis sudo apt-get remove nautilus nautilus-folder-handler sudo apt-get install nautilus nautilus-sendto nautilus-share I suspect this was a waste of time.

  • I uninstalled Disk Usage Analyzer sudo apt-get remove baobab and reinstalled it apt-get install baobab and that fixed it!