Prevent heading from being located at the bottom of a page, but without setting it to always be at the top of a new page

I am working on my thesis and I keep running into a very annoying issue.

The heading of a new section is located on the bottom of the page, and all the content of that section is located on the next page.

Is there a way to set Word to automatically move the heading (Whether it be heading level 1, 2, 3, 4 etc) to the next page, but ONLY when it is at the bottom of a page? I do not want the headings to always start on a new page.

My lab mates tell me this is easily done on LaTeX; however, nobody knows of a way to do it on Word.

Solution 1:

This is the solution, as suggested in the comments:

  1. Under the home tab, right-click the heading
  2. Click modify
  3. Under the Format drop-down list, click "Paragraph..."
  4. Check the checkbox "Keep with next"

If the heading is at the bottom of the page, it will now move to the next page