jquery toggle id's instead of classes?

You really should use classes for that. IDs are unique within a page and should be used as points where you catch events ( via $.live() or some other method which uses event delegation ). Besides , if you think of using IDs because they have higher specificity in CSS rules , then you are going the wrong way.

In short: bad idea, stick to toggling classes.


After reading OP's comment - I believe this is what he is looking for a way to highlight an "active" link on click. And Yes, teresko is definitely right that you should be toggling the classes, not the ID's.

This is the essence of a jQuery snippet that you may be looking for:

$("li").bind('click', function(){
   // remove the active class if it's there
   if($("li.active").length) $("li.active").removeClass('active');
   // add teh active class to the clicked element


Check out the jQuery toggle api.

It's a little confusing because a simple google search on jQuery toggle brings you to the show/hide toggle documentation. But, .toggle() can be used to alternate functions - you can even add more than two.

like so...

          $(this).css('background-color', 'red');
           $(this).css('background-color, ''); // sets the bg-color to nothing

jQuery doesnt has toggleId() function . But you can create your own id toggle function .

function toggleId(className,id)
    var tag = document.querySelector('.'+className);
    tag.id = tag.getAttribute("id") ? '' : id;


this will toggle id ( id and NULL ) of myClass element .

another example for toggling between two id

suppose you want to toggle between two id ( id1 and id2 ) of an element then

function toggleId(className,id1,id2)
       var tag = document.querySelector('.'+className);
       tag.id = tag.getAttribute("id") ? id2 : id1;
