How to install Robomongo on Ubuntu?

Follow these simple steps.

  • Download the robomongo:
  • Extract the .tar.gz downloaded from above
  • Change directory to extracted folder.
  • You'll find a bin folder. Go in there, then double click on robomongo.

Anytime you'll wanna run robomongo, you will have to do something like this from terminal:


You might wanna add a link to robomongo from your /usr/bin which will allow you to do something like this anywhere from terminal:

for that

  • navigate to robomongo_dir/bin
  • right click on robomongo executable file and click on Make Link, Link to robomongo executable file will be created there
  • rename Link to robomongo to your wish ( let say robo_)
  • move this link to /usr/bin directory with below command on terminal

    sudo mv /robomongo_dir/bin/robo_ /usr/bin

Now you can run robomongo from terminal OR from run command (Alt+ F2) by typing robo_

Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) is the free lightweight GUI with embedded shell for MongoDB enthusiasts. Use Ubuntu Software to install the robo3t-snap package or install it from the terminal with:

sudo snap install robo3t-snap

answer of @Rexford is nice But I will be more clear

There Two ways to install robomongo program into ubuntu using command line:

First way

1.1 download tar.gz file from Official robomongo website(choose version you need to install and get it's tar.gz download file url)


1.2 extract tar.gz file

 tar -xvzf robomongo-0.9.0-linux-x86_64-0786489.tar.gz

1.3 mv files and folders into the result folder from extraction operation into folder robomongo under /usr/local/bin

sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin/robomongo
sudo mv  robomongo-0.9.0-linux-x86_64-0786489/* /usr/local/bin/robomongo

1.4 make sure excute file for robomongo program which exists under /usr/local/bin/robomongo/bin folder is excutable file

cd /usr/local/bin/robomongo/bin
sudo chmod +x robomongo ## run command only if robomongo isn't excutable file

Second way

2.1 download deb file from Official robomongo website(choose version you need to install and get it's deb download file url)


2.2 install deb file using dpkg command line

sudo dpkg -i robomongo-0.8.5-x86_64.deb

2.3 open robomongo program using command line by run


Very Important Notice:

All available versions 0.8.5 and earlier of robomongo have both deb file and tar.gz file download urls. So If you want a previous version you can use one of two ways But If you need download version 0.9.0 there only one way is the first ones

more links about install robomongo program: link 1, line 2, link 3