How to install vte-ng from the source: make command fails

Trying to install vte-ng from source. I did try the usual methods like using make. There is nothing related to installing in the readme file and could not find a configure folder.

So how do I install this?

First you should generate the Makefile from For this follow the below instructions:

  1. Make sure you have autoconf, libglib2.0-dev(for AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT macro), gtk-doc-tools installed.

    sudo apt-get install autoconf libglib2.0-dev gtk-doc-tools
  2. Get inside extracted source folder, then run autoreconf

    cd ./vte-ng-0.42.4.a
  3. If you got any error run

    automake --add-missing
  4. Finally, build and install

    ./configure && make && sudo make install