League of Legends Terminology [duplicate]

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What do those abbreviations mean in LoL?

LoL uses a bunch of terminology. I can't find definitions for (and would like to understand the meaning of):

  • Bruiser
  • Jungler
  • Carry (vs. Bruiser as well)
  • Tank (high HP, low attack?)
  • AP
  • AD
  • DPS (Damage per Second)?

It seems like bruiser/carry/dps refer to different types of offensive champions, while support is healing/helping champions, and tank is a defensive (high HP, low offensive) champ.

  • Tank = characters that can wade into battle and take vast amounts of damage. They also tend to have a lot of CC (Crowd-control) abilities, such as stuns, snares, taunts, silences, slows.

  • Jungle = characters that roam through both jungles killing minions (including the large minions that grant red buff and blue buff) and ganking (ambushing) opponents. Usually characters with good heal, attack, and speed, etc.

  • Carry = they are the high-DPS champions. Usually squishier and needs to be protected by Tanks, etc. But let a Carry get away and game over. They do serious AP (Ability Power) or AD (Attack Damage).

  • SUPPORT = Champion that supports his/her allies. Provides good map control, crowd control, and heals.

  • AP = Ability Power aka Magic power. You need high MR (Magic Resistance) to counter

  • AD = Attack Damage aka Physical power. You need high Armor to counter

  • DPS = Damage Per Second. General benchmark on how much damage you are dishing out. Typically the more the merrier!

  • ATS = Attack Speed - How fast a champion attacks (example = 1.00 ATS = 1 Attack per Second) Max 2.50.

  • MS = Move Speed - How fast a champion moves. Good luck and have fun! LoL is awesome.

  • CV = Clairvoyance - Summoner spell that reveals any area of the map.

  • CS = Creep Score - The number of creeps a champion has killed.

  • OOM = Out Of Mana - The champion saying this has no mana.

  • MIA or SS = Missing in Action - Enemy in another lane is missing, so you should be cautious of a gank.

  • RE = Return - Enemy who has been missing in action is back in the lane.

  • B = Recall - Pressing the B Button to teleport back to base after 8 seconds.