How to force EditText to start text with capital letter?

I have an EditText and I need the text in it (when user types in) to be started with capital letter.

Be careful if you add both android:capitalize="sentences" and android:inputType="text", as the latter seems to have priority over the first and the input will not be capitalized.

There's a specific inputType for automatically capitalizing the first letter:



The options for android:capitalize are

android:inputType="none", which won't automatically capitalize anything.

android:inputType="sentences", Which will capitalize the first word of each sentence.

android:inputType="words", Which Will Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word.

android:inputType="characters", WHICH WILL CAPITALIZE EVERY CHARACTER.

Apparently it has been changed to inputType instead of capitalize



as using only "textPersonName" is not enough so name's first letters would be capitalized.

Similarly with postal addresses:


Add this in your XML


android:inputType="textCapSentences" will work for sentences. However, I needed to capitalize every word in a full name field.