CentOS 7 systemctl - no feedback or status/output

I just installed CentOS 7.1 on one server and I'm confused by how systemctl works compared to service.

On CentOS 6, I would get feedback when running service, such as:

root@centos6 [~]# service mysql restart
Shutting down MySQL........................................[  OK  ]
Starting MySQL.............................................[  OK  ]

root@centos6 [~]# service mysql status
MySQL running (910285)                                     [  OK  ]
root@centos6 [~]#

However on CentOS 7, when I use systemctl, I get nothing. I don't know what happened, or if something even happened:

root@centos7 [~]# systemctl restart mysql
root@centos7 [~]# /bin/systemctl restart  mysql.service

# Nothing happened

And when I run service on CentOS 7, this happens:

root@centos7 [~]# service mysql restart
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart  mysql.service

What am I'm missing?

Solution 1:

Here is what I do:

systemctl start my-service && journalctl -fexu my-service

journalctl is the simplest way to get output from your systemd services.

  • -f follows the log output of my-service until I quit (ctrl-C).
  • -e scrolls to the end (most recent) log messages.
  • -x explanations from the Journal Message Catalog, if available.
    (See also https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/catalog/)
  • -u will only show logs from the my-service unit.

Solution 2:

Like any good unix command, systemctl outputs nothing unless there was a problem, or you ran a command that explicitly requires output. If you see nothing, then the command was successful.

If you wish, you can run systemctl status mysql to see its current status.