Load Scala file into interpreter to use functions?

I have some Scala functions defined in a file, not in a class, and I would like to use them in the Scala interpreter. I know I can say scala filename.scala to simply run the file and exit the interpreter, but I would like to run the file and then stay in the interpreter so I can do some testing. Can anyone tell me how to simply load a file into the interpreter so I can use the functions defined within it?

type :load /path/to/file in Scala REPL.

You can get complete list of available commands by typing :help

On occasions, :paste might be your better friend (than :load). Here is an example on how to use :paste.

scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

if (true)
  print("that was true")


// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

that was true

One can also use :paste to load a file using following command :paste [path]

scala> :paste ~/Desktop/repl_seeder.scala
Pasting file ~/Desktop/repl_seeder.scala...
defined object test1

scala> test1.main(Str)
my first scala program

Just reminder, put the complete path. I found problem in Linux by doing like this:

:load ~/fileName.scala

to get rid of error "That file does not exist" I did

:load /complete/path/fileName.scala