Is there any keyboard shortcut to turn on and off shuffle and turn on repeating on iTunes?

Solution 1:

  1. find repeat and shuffle in iTunes menus and memorize their name as is.
  2. Press CommandSpace, Type Keyboard and press enter.
  3. select Keyboard Shortcuts
  4. in left side of the page, find Application Shortcuts and select it.
  5. click + button below
  6. in front of Application, choose iTunes
  7. type the exact name of the menu item for shuffle and repeat
  8. set shortcut keys for them.

Solution 2:

iTunes 12 has broken the original Keyboard pane fix. Now Shuffle is a dropdown with two options unhelpfully named On and Off.

The following steps work for the current version of iTunes (v12):

  1. Open the Keyboard preferences pane in the System Preferences App.
  2. Go to the Shortcuts tab
  3. Click on App Shortcuts in the left sidebar
  4. Click the plus icon below the list on the right
  5. Select iTunes from the Application dropdown
  6. Type the word On into the Menu Title box.
  7. Click on the Keyboard Shortcut box and press the key combination you want to use to turn shuffle on. I use Cmd+S.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Repeat steps 4-7 for turning shuffle off, but this time use Off as the Menu Title and choose a different keyboard shortcut for it. I use Cmd+Shift+S for turning shuffle off.

Solution 3:

For nested Menu options like this one shown in the image below:

Nested Menu Option

A shortcut can be added by specifying the Menu Item name as: Controls->Repeat->One

For some older versions of OSX, this works: >Controls>Repeat>One

You can see it solves the problem of two different nested menu items having the exact same name. Cause the full path will always be different.