How can I start an interactive console for Perl?
How can I start an interactive console for Perl, similar to the irb
command for Ruby or python
for Python?
Solution 1:
You can use the perl debugger on a trivial program, like so:
perl -de1
Alternatively there's Alexis Sukrieh's Perl Console application, but I haven't used it.
Solution 2:
Not only did Matt Trout write an article about a REPL, he actually wrote one - Devel::REPL
I've used it a bit and it works fairly well, and it's under active development.
BTW, I have no idea why someone modded down the person who mentioned using "perl -e" from the console. This isn't really a REPL, true, but it's fantastically useful, and I use it all the time.
Solution 3:
I wrote a script I call "psh":
#! /usr/bin/perl
while (<>) {
my $result = eval;
print "$_ = $result\n";
Whatever you type in, it evaluates in Perl:
> gmtime(2**30)
gmtime(2**30) = Sat Jan 10 13:37:04 2004
> $x = 'foo'
$x = 'foo' = foo
> $x =~ s/o/a/g
$x =~ s/o/a/g = 2
> $x
$x = faa