Replacing quotation marks in Word (reg ex)

I have a large text document with inconsistent quotation marks, i.e.

...Dolore magna aliquam “lorem ipsum” dolor sit amet, 'consectetuer adipiscing" elit, volutpat. Ut "wisi" enim...

and I want to convert every existing style of quotation only to one style, Guillemet style (» and «), so that example sentence should be like

...Dolore magna aliquam »lorem ipsum« dolor sit amet, »consectetuer adipiscing« elit, volutpat. Ut »wisi« enim...

Is that that possible only with find/replace with wildcards? The closest regex I got is


but it is not working.

Thanks in advance!

Use the preceding/following space to determine which "side" of the word the quote you want is on.

\s in regex matches a whitespace character (ie a space, or tab, etc.).

So, first search for \s[“'"] and replace with <space>», then search for [”'"]\s and replace with «<space> (replace <space> with an actual space character :) ).