windows 10 on SSD and ubuntu on hdd [duplicate]

Hello I have Windows 10 on SSD and want to install ubuntu 15 on my Seagate Barracuda Green 2TB. I have only found one tutorial that handles this issue.

Has anyone tried this and have you encountered any problems? I will use Windows 10 for gaming and ubuntu for most other things I need. Will my performance drop a lot by using a non SSD for Ubuntu?

I am pretty new on Ubuntu so sorry for the newbie question

Agree to the above answer as well as comment from oldfred. If you are new to Linux(and not that comfortable and more comfortable with Windows) then some more suggestions:

  • You might be using 2TB hard drive for Windows as well as Ubuntu so within Windows - just go to Disk management and create partitions for Windows and Linux according to your needs.
  • Both Windows and Linux needs to be installed in EFI mode
  • Completely disable secure boot in BIOS
  • Disable fastboot and hibernation from Windows.
  • Create a Linux bootable USB with your favorite ubuntu iso using this
  • Then follow the instructions and install ubuntu with default settings.

It is quite easy to install this way.

You can install Ubuntu a normal way, just do not make a mistake when select the disk to install to.

To be 100% sure I would recommend to physically disconnect the disk where Windows is installed, or disable it in bios.