How to solve error message: "Failed to map the path '/'."

Solution 1:

restarting IIS solved the same issue in my case. Seems like something fails in IIS. Didn't worth my panic, either.

IIS 7.5, btw.

Solution 2:

I had the same issue (MVC 4) under IIS 7. It turned out that the App Pool identity didn't have the correct authorization to the site's path.

Solution 3:

You don't have to reset IIS, you can just recycle the app pool.

Solution 4:

Today when I renamed the default website, under which my MVC application was hosted, I started getting that error too. But I restarted IIS and the issue was resolved.

Solution 5:

I also have same issue. In my case working on InstalledSheild / InstalledAware, to make setup of web service. After setup run the above error comes, while resolve issue when check, found that IIs default website path remove after setup run.

So I just add path as below step.

  1. Go to Command prompt -> type InetMgr
  2. Its open IIS, go to 'Default Web Site' -> Advanced Settings (at right side menu) enter image description here

  3. Go to Physical Path and paste this things - '%SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot' as below enter image description here