Sum of divergent series
L. Euler explained his assumptions about infinite series - convergent or divergent - with the following idea (just paraphrasing, don't have the article at hand, but you can look at the Euler-archives the treatize "De series divergentibus"): The evaluation of an infinite series is different from a finite sum. But always when we want to assign a value for such a series we should do it in the sense, that it is the result of an infinitely applied arithmetic operation - so that the geometric series (to which we meanwhile assign a value) occurs as result of the infinite formal long-division $s(x) = {1 \over 1-x } \to s(x) = 1 + x + x^2 + ... $ and then insert the value for $x$ in the finite rational formula.
Possibly this is meant in a sense, that similarly we can discuss infinite periodic continued fractions as representations of finite expressions like $\sqrt{1+x}$ and others. It is "compatible" somehow to an axiom, that we require for number theory that we can have a closed-form representation for general infinitely repeated (symbolic) algebraic operation. (in the german translation of E247 this occurs in §11 and §12)
From this, I think, for instance Euler-summation and other manipulations on infinite (convergent and divergent) series by L. Euler can be nicely understood.
[update] The Euler-archives seem to have moved to MAA; the original links, for instance // is taken over by some completely unrelated commercials. A seemingly valid link to Ed Sandifer's column "How Euler did it", however only accessible via internal MAA-access is this (but I think via one can still access the former existent openly available pages)
[update 2]: here is a currently valid link to Ed Sandifer's article
I have a new idea.
The sum of the natural numbers is $$ S_n = \sum_{k=1}^n k. $$ We define the function $$ G_n(\epsilon) = \sum_{k=1}^n k \exp(-k\epsilon). $$ Abel sum is $$ S_A = \lim_{\epsilon \to 0+} \left( \lim_{n \to \infty} G_n(\epsilon) \right). $$ Unfortunately, it diverges.
Then we define a new function $$ H_n(\epsilon) = \sum_{k=1}^n k \exp(-k\epsilon) \cos(k\epsilon). $$ The function is damped and oscillating. The damped oscillation sum is $$ S_H = \lim_{\epsilon \to 0+} \left( \lim_{n \to \infty} H_n(\epsilon) \right). $$ Surprisingly, it converges on -1/12.
We can confirm the result by the numerical computation. Please input the following formula to the page of Wolfram Alpha.
lim sum k exp(-kx)cos(kx),k=1 to infty,x to 0+
Or click the following URL with the above formula, please.
We can find the paper by searching the following keywords.
Zeta function regularization of the sum of all natural numbers by damped oscillation summation method